Luann Udell

Seth Godin, a long-time marketing blogger, often writes articles that are less than 100 words.

Captain Awkward, one of my two top fave advice columnists, will write as much as it takes to thoroughly address someone’s issues, and walk them through every step. A thousand words or more. (NOTE: Most people can read about 200 words per minute. So even a thousand words is just a 5-minute read.)

Me? I’m known for being very….um….wordy.

Go with what works for YOU. Do you tend to write sparingly? Make your points clear and don’t worry about it.

Do you tend to go long? That’s okay, too. Make it a great story, and most people won’t mind.

And if your piece gets TOO long, then break it up into a small series of posts.

As for what the average is, I have no idea, and I don’t think anyone really cares.

I suspect you’re either a) just starting out, and aren’t sure what’s “too much” and what’s “not enough”, or b) you wrote an article and someone criticized you for writing too much.

If the answer is A, just write until you’re done. Edit to make it clear, and let it go.

If the answer is B, ignore the trolls who are merely out to get your goat. Delete their comments if they didn’t have a real point to make, or information to add, etc. Or respond to their criticism with adult-iness and good will, making the point that you don’t have to go to every fight you’re invited to. Then block ‘em! 😀