MY MONKEY DISCLAIMER (and my new bumper sticker)

Some readers have been asking what the heck is going on with the monkey thing. (You can read the previous two posts here

I just wanted to clarify that the most recent event is not the bigger event. It was just a tiny piece of straw on the camel’s back.

Every year, it seems I “take on” a friend in need. I pour all my extra energy into helping them take “that next step”. I totally get that sometimes it’s a way to distract myself from my own stuff. But sometimes it’s just about being there for someone who needs you.

When it works, they step forward. And I step back. They’re grateful, but they don’t need my support more anymore. I know I did the right thing, and we both move on.

Sometimes it ends badly. I get that, too. That’s the whole a reason, a season, a lifetime story when it comes to friendships.

The biggest one, the one that really blew my powder keg, was almost a year ago. It hit very close to home. So close, I don’t want to publish the details on the internet. I apologized for getting upset (but not for saying my truth). I am very proud that, despite my anger, I left certain words unsaid (which I can’t say for the other people involved.) ‘Nuff said.

The circus/monkey mantra thing simply saved me from going any deeper into the latest, more recent circus/monkey things.

I don’t blame the people involved. I will never stop “being there” for people when I feel the call.

And I don’t blame myself. I’m usually pretty good at getting out before things go south.

But sometimes I overstay my welcome. And that’s why I ordered a new bumper sticker yesterday. It says, “Not my circus. Not my monkeys.”

You can get yours at!
You can get yours at!

Right next to the one that says, “Brake for moose, it could save your life.”

I love it when we drive to Pennsylvania, because it puzzles people.
I love it when we drive to Pennsylvania, because it puzzles people.

Author: Luann Udell

I find it just as important to write about my art as to make it. I am fascinated by stories. You can tell when people are speaking their truth--their eyes light up, their voices become strong, their entire body posture becomes powerful and upright. I love it when people get to this place in their work, their relationships, their art. As I work from this powerful place in MY heart, I share this process with others--so they have a strong place to stand, too. Because the world needs our beautiful art. All of it we can make, as fast as we can! Whether it's a bowl, a painting, a song, a garden, a story, if it makes our world a better place, we need to do everything in our power to get it out there.

3 thoughts on “MY MONKEY DISCLAIMER (and my new bumper sticker)”

  1. I always loved that saying. It’s saved my sanity many of times. I need to order one too. And I totally understand why you’re saying that, I’m the same way.


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